ok so I started from a whole new game and beat everything and Got an S on normal and nightime shifts I only have 4 complaints
1. Why did you get rid of the toggle Miaw Maw unless its a different button now
2. There's still no beating the Bonus nor an ending lol
3. There's no night shift boss stage
4. There's no trophy for getting a perfect on the Boss stage (minor)
But the games still nice I loved the boss fight beat that ish my first try not to brag but I'm gonna brag lol but my biggest let down was the Miaw Maw toggle lol the other ones aren't that bad
Fuckin yes I loved that game and the beats are nice. I unlocked the hidden stage just fuckin around on it just to listen to the beats like 3 months ago and was like whaaaat. But yeah thanks them beats are nice though I have like 3 downloaded lol